18 January 2007

Carol Peters

[from Muddy Prints, Water Shine]

Spider Strand

In a single night
a garden spider flings her web
across our drive, from neat hedge
to the gutter above the garage.

We step outside
to find her blazoned against the orb.
Mike moves to ground her.

Eight legs in barber stripes
climb a strand, then hesitate —
she seems to measure us.

“Stop,” I say.
I hold Mike’s arm. I spin him around
to the orb of sun blazing.

Our spider rides her silk
back to the gutter, steadily reels it back
into the spinnerets
she spun an evening from.

         -> next


  1. again, your own, your own.

    this reads beautifully.

  2. wonderful last lines
    "steadily reels it back
    into the spinnerets she spun
    an evening from." make a strong ending. thanks for posting this!
